The Importance of Being Earnest (With your Diet)

  • 15-Sep-2019   
  • | Fathima Khaja Mohaideen
  • | 3122
  • Average Reading Time: 2 minutes and 28 seconds   

With old age comes a new set of challenges. However, all these can be easily combatted through a mixture of healthy diets and prudent financial planning.

Most dieticians recommend meals that are low on fat and rich in proteins and fibre for people who are in the later stages of life. Most of these dietary tips which emphasise eating fruits and leafy vegetables are beneficial for people of all ages but are crucial for older people who tend to experience more of fallout from unhealthy eating than young people do.

Often when it comes to health issues, a unique diet plan is necessary. When people get older, what they eat has a huge impact on their day to day health. A doctor might ask a patient to get more proteins but not specify the source of these proteins. Specificity in a diet is important and that’s where nutritionists come in.

Lean proteins from milk and soya are vital for people in their fifties as they can be metabolised much faster by the body. Moreover, these aid the body in the fight against osteoporosis, which is quite common during old age. Salt and sugar also need to be limited. Processed foods contain both in excess and they can have negative impacts on blood pressure and blood sugar respectively.

People with diabetes have to keep a count on the number of carbohydrates they eat and make sure they consume roughly the same amount every meal. Glycaemic control is a must for diabetic patients. Even low blood sugar is bad hypoglycaemia can lead to seizures or even comas in older people.

Indigestion is also a much more frequent irritation with older people as gastrointestinal problems can be caused even by the mildest of food items. Hence an emphasis on food with rich natural fibres is important as it leads to better digestion.

Most nutritionists believe that eating five small meals a day rather than three large ones is necessary. Although health experts have espoused the ‘five meals’ as a healthy eating staple, only a few people tend to follow it. It’s much easier to follow during old age as people are less likely to have to adhere to the routines of a daily job.

Daily exercise is also a must as it can boost immunity and blood flow. Moreover, endorphins released during exercise even help reduce the likelihood of depression. People have to fine tune a fitness regimen to their needs. People are often told that a brisk walk is a good form of exercise but it can be damaging for people with high resting heart rates (RHR) or weak ligaments.

While it seems like people on the other side of fifty might have to be on their toes all the time when it comes to their health, it isn’t all dire. The reason health experts have so many tips, is so that people follow atleast a few of them!

With Double Masters in Communication, Fathima has found herself calling as a free lance writer. When she’s not penning down the latest news and discovering the newest happenings, she can be seen travelling, cheering on her favourite sports teams and trying out new food.

Fathima Khaja Mohaideen