No More Guessing - How Your BMI Can Affect Your Health and Wellness

  • 12-Jan-2020   
  • | Alix Cherif-Cheikh
  • | 3134
  • Average Reading Time: 1 minute and 21 seconds   

Have you ever wondered what your BMI is? But what is BMI in the first place? It's simple, BMI stands for Body Mass Index - it's a measurement based on two variants: your body height and body weight. For the calculation, a standard formula is used which applies to both men and women. The formula is as follows: BMI = Weight (Kg) / Size (m2). Lucky for us, Healine has a BMI Calculator on their website to help you know your BMI! If the result is less than 18. 5, it means that you are underweight, between 18. 5 and 24. 9 your weight is normal. Between 25 and 29. 9 it is overweight and above 30 it is obesity.

When your BMI is normal, your health is on the right track. However, if the scale does not fall on normal, there are risks to your health. For instance, being underweight may indicate an eating disorder, or an underlying illness. Your immune system will be less effective and you will get sick more often. On the other hand, if your BMI is above normal, you are at risk of developing diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and some cancers.

The World Health Organization explains that having too high BMI is also associated with 21% of ischemic heart disease, 23% of strokes, 58% of type 2 diabetes and 39% of hypertension. A low BMI can also create problems such as cancer, joint problems, infertility and mortality.

Maintaining a healthy and normal BMI is very essential. It requires balanced diet and regular exercise to enjoy the benefits of having normal BMI such as reduced risk of heart diseases and diabetes, stronger immune system, and increase in overall energy and wellness levels.

Alix is a young business student from Paris, France with a passion for cosmetics and food.

Alix Cherif-Cheikh