Health Check Ups 101

  • 14-Dec-2019   
  • | Alix Cherif - Cheikh
  • | 3166
  • Average Reading Time: 2 minutes and 11 seconds   

People who never had a health problem or who do not have a serious illness often wonder if it is necessary to go to the doctor for a simple check-up. The answer is YES! However, it is not always easy to know when is the right time, but one thing is for certain : annual visits are extremely essential for our health and wellbeing.

For example, it is highly recommended to visit your general practitioner at least once a year. Even if we believe we are in very good health, some symptoms of illnesses make there first appearances without us even realizing it. An example of which is one of the most dreaded diseases which is cancer, it easy not easy to detect the symptoms of it but it  subsequently causes significant damage.

This recommendation (going to the general practitioner once a year) is especially important for people with high-risk health issues. People who smoke a lot, consume a lot of alcohol, take unprescribed drugs, or even those with very little physical activity. In this type of situations, the doctor will normally perform a blood test to give you more information about your condition.

When it comes to health, taking care of our oral hygiene is equally as important as taking care of any other part of our body. This involves getting the right oral care products, as well as being mindful of your daily habits. It is strongly recommended to visit your dentist at least once a year as well, just to descale. If you are a regular smoker or are a coffee or tea lover, you should increase the number of your dental checkups.

It is also recommended to visit an ophthalmologist at least once every two years. This of course will depend on the condition of your eyes, whether you suffer from eye fatigue or other may encounter other eye problems.

It is highly recommended to visit your gynecologist at least once a year. These visits are very important, it allows you to quickly identify breast or cervical cancers. After the age of 40, women are recommended to have a mammogram every two years. All this will also depend on whether you are pregnant or if you already have a particulate disease, but still the gynecologist is the one to go to.

There are various other medical specialists that you can visit and consult depending on a particular symptom you are feeling or which body part you would like to get checked. It is very imperative to always seek professional help and guidance as we take care of our body. After all, health is definitely wealth!

Alix is a young business student from Paris, France with a passion for cosmetics and food.

Alix Cherif - Cheikh